Brady, John, and a football jersey

In August 2014, my friend Theo came up with what was to be one of the best jokes of the football season. He said that John should wear Brady's jersey as a joke to see what the superintendent would do. So Theo decided to ask Brady if John could wear his jersey and he immediately declined. So, at the next football game, Theo, John, and I decided to sneak into the locker room before the game to grab his jersey just to see what would happen. After John put on the jersey, strange things started to happen.
When we had to go out and play for the game, John got pulled into the superintendent's office. Theo and I decided to sneak into the school to see what was happening to John. When we arrived outside of the superintendent's office we heard very loud screaming and went to look through the window to see what was going on. We saw the superintendent pull out a gun and shoot John in the head. We saw the superintendent turn his head to look out the window and we both decided to duck. As we rose back up to look in the window, we saw the superintendent take the jersey and started heading back to the locker room.
We then went down to the locker room and took the jersey back. But, we ran into Brady on the way back and he pulled a knife on both Theo and I and we tried to run for it. Brady threw the knife at Theo and hit him. Theo was lying on the floor dead, and then it was just Brady and I.
I made a run for the door at the back of the school and got Corbin and Dawson and told them what had happened. All three of us then found Brady in the locker room and decided to go for the jersey. Dawson was the first one to get the jersey, but Brady caught up with him and cut his head off. Corbin then got the jersey and made a run for it. I hid while Corbin ran off with the jersey. I eventually caught up to Corbin, but sadly, so had Brady. We made a run for it, and we eventually made it to main street. We headed for the gas station, where we knew Brady wouldn't find us. We then tried to get rid of the jersey, but it somehow resisted.
We knew that we had to get rid of the jersey as fast as we could before Brady caught up to us. But then, I heard Brady's footsteps in the distance. We then made a run for it as fast as we could, until we were outside of the town's limits. We knew that we had to make it to the next town as fast as we could, so we then preceded to do that.
About 5 hours, 27 minutes, 13 seconds, and 10 milliseconds later, we had made it to the next town. We went to the gas station in that town to buy random shit and other stuff before we actually made our way to where we needed to be, the junk yard. When we made it there, we noticed that the gate was locked. We then climbed over the fence to make it in there. When we finally did, we tried to find a sharp object to cut it with. Then, we saw that Brady had found us.
We quickly tried to find a sharp object to cut it with. Then we both remembered that Brady had a knife that we could use to cut it with. So when Brady came for the jersey, Corbin shot him and then we took the knife and cut it then threw it in the dump. But sadly, that wasn't all that had happened on that night. Brady wasn't killed by getting shot, he was just somewhat wounded.
Brady knew that he had to get revenge on all of the people that were involved in stealing his jersey. He knew he was going to have to get back at Corbin for shooting him. He knew that he would have to get back at Corbin and I and everyone else who was involved, even if they were dead.
Brady got up and started charging at us. It seemed like he was running faster than a cheetah, even though he had gotten shot in the leg. We made our way back to the school, but we sadly didn't make it.
Brady caught up with us when we were half-way to the school. He had taken Corbin's gun and shot him in the head. I decided just to keep on running. I made it back to the school to realize that all of what had happened had happened in a matter of 15 minutes. I remembered that Brady still had his other football jersey left, so I made my way down to the locker room to get it.
I was half-way down the stairs to the locker room when I tripped and fell. Brady caught up with me and then pulled a knife at me. The first time he tried to stab me, I promptly dodged it. The next time, I wasn't so lucky though. He cut my arm and I started bleeding a lot. Blood got everywhere. I then took the knife from him and stabbed him in the chest. I then preceded to the locker room and took the jersey. I got a match and I lit the thing on fire so I would never have to deal with that hell ever again.
I have never forgotten that very day. I will never forget that day for the rest of the time that I live. What started out as a funny joke by Theo, turned into the most hell like experience of my entire life. I never went to another football game after that and I never mentioned football or the jerseys ever again because of personal experience.